The ROUND PANTRY provides food on the SECOND and FOURTH Tuesday of each month using a drive line process. Shoppers drive up (or walk up) to get food during the hours of 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Shoppers will receive standard prepacked bags of food.

Volunteers are needed on the Mondays preceding the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month to pre-pack food. On the second and fourth Tuesdays, volunteers load food into the rear ends of vehicles of shoppers (who do not leave their vehicles). Packing of food continues on Tuesdays (because of the volume needed) and Tuesday volunteers also prepare lots of cardboard and plastic for recycling.

Sign Up to Volunteer Here! (Now!)

The ROUND PANTRY 2022 Volunteer Calendar

Volunteer FAQs

Volunteer Details

  • All volunteers are screened (with verbal questions and a temperature check) and volunteer numbers at any given time are limited.

  • Safety precautions (distancing, washing hands, disinfecting surfaces) must be followed. Gloves (provided) must be worn. Masks must be worn; volunteers are asked to bring their own if possible – some are available.

  • A variety of jobs are available: e.g., bagging canned goods, produce, bread & desserts, etc.; repacking bulk foods; moving pallets, boxes and bags of food; loading food into trunks of cars; gathering and preparing cardboard and pliable plastic for recycling; directing traffic.

  • Varied physical exertion required from light to heavy lifting; walking and/or standing required.

  • We have added tasks and time slots to increase our efficiency and safety and to insure that we recycle all cardboard and pliable plastic.

  • Minimum age to volunteer is “middle school” / 11 yrs.; volunteers who are in middle school must be accompanied by an adult working on the same task / time. Older students can volunteer on their own.

  • Volunteer time commitments are between 1.5 and 2.5 hours.

  • Those with training in safe food handling, those who have experience in food pantries and those able to lift heavy boxes especially needed. Bilingual skills are also helpful.

** Please park on the north side of the church and enter via the ramp.