
Deacons:  Our church is set up with a Board of Deacons, with us working together to meet the needs of the congregation. Each Deacon is assigned a group of members called a parish. Our primary ministry is the personal contact with our parish members by visiting, writing notes, supporting with meals and calling.

The following activities fall under the auspices of the Deacons:

  • PRAYER CHAIN; Westview supports one another through prayer by sharing prayer requests and praise reports with one another through our Prayer Chain. We relay these requests from the office to congregation members and friends by contacting the church office. Prayer requests are then sent out by E-blast.

  • MEALS; Funeral meals help meet the needs of our parishioners during a very stressful time in their lives by providing a light luncheon or dessert reception after a funeral or memorial service. Home meals are provided for people needing help after surgery, an illness or a death in the family.

  • SHAWL MINISTRY; Prayer shawls, warm caps, and flannel baby blankets are distributed to  congregation members and friends going through a difficult time or celebrating a birth in their family.

  • BOOKLETS FOR GRIEF SUPPORT AND DEVOTIONALS; Helpful books and the Upper Room devotionals are provided at no charge to anyone who wishes to have one.

  • OUTREACH TO MILITARY PERSONNEL AND COLLEGE STUDENTS; Westview provides prayer support for military personnel and colleges students of family members and friends associated with the congregation.

  • HELPING HANDS; This is a group of volunteers who are willing to do simple tasks, such as hanging a picture, changing light bulbs, pulling weeds, monitoring sprinkler systems, etc.

  • RIDE SERVICE; Provide Rides to medical appointments

If you are interested in helping in any of these areas or need help in any of these areas, please contact the Deacon Moderator Wanda Heibein.

Sandy Taylor

Sandy Taylor

Robert Rose

Robert Rose

Robin Hill

Barbara Emery Griger

Carol Fleeger

Carol Fleeger

Sue Peck

Wanda Heibein