All volunteers check in at Registration prior to starting their shift. (x, x, Lisa Stone; IMG_0028c.JPG)

All volunteers check in at Registration prior to starting their shift. (x, x, Lisa Stone; IMG_0028c.JPG)

Registration Assistant (Mon, Tues)

Welcome, COVID screen, sign-in, and direct volunteers to their tasks. Mostly seated task; some walking and light lifting

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Set-up (Mon)

Move delivered food to tables; lifting required

CFS truck 1 of 3 arrives Monday morning. (Setup_DSC4146c75.JPG)

CFS truck 1 of 3 arrives Monday morning. (Setup_DSC4146c75.JPG)

Dibby, Steve D, Nancy H, not id; Setup_IMG_4869Bc75.JPG

Dibby, Steve D, Nancy H, not id; Setup_IMG_4869Bc75.JPG

Tables are arranged with labels to identify where different food items will be set out for Pickers. (Steve D, Nancy H, Kelly D;  Setup_DSC4145c75.JPG)

Tables are arranged with labels to identify where different food items will be set out for Pickers. (Steve D, Nancy H, Kelly D; Setup_DSC4145c75.JPG)

Non-perishables fill the tables in Fellowship Hall. (x, not id, Nancy H, not id, not id, not id; Setup_IMG_5441c80.jpeg)

Non-perishables fill the tables in Fellowship Hall. (x, not id, Nancy H, not id, not id, not id; Setup_IMG_5441c80.jpeg)

Irene Y and not id; Setup_IMG_4869c80.JPG

Irene Y and not id; Setup_IMG_4869c80.JPG

Baggers/"Pickers" - Non-Perishables (Mon)

Gather pre-set quantities of food and place in bags; medium lifting required; walking required

(x and x from Central Longmont Pres plus x, not id, and not id; Pickers_DSC4131c2.JPG)

(x and x from Central Longmont Pres plus x, not id, and not id; Pickers_DSC4131c2.JPG)

3 - 6 Pickers work a shift; each shift is 2 hours (x, x, x; Pickers_DSC4140c80.JPG)

3 - 6 Pickers work a shift; each shift is 2 hours (x, x, x; Pickers_DSC4140c80.JPG)

(x; Pickers_DSC4130c1.JPG)

(x; Pickers_DSC4130c1.JPG)

(Sandy M; Picker_DSC4141c80.JPG)

(Sandy M; Picker_DSC4141c80.JPG)

Pickers move in one direction and pick food items from the right and left tables. Aisles blocked with a blue X are used by restockers, not pickers. (x, x, not id, x; Pickers_DSC4136c75.JPG)

Pickers move in one direction and pick food items from the right and left tables. Aisles blocked with a blue X are used by restockers, not pickers. (x, x, not id, x; Pickers_DSC4136c75.JPG)

Box Stackers (Mon)

Move boxes (containing filled bags) to pallets; heavy lifting required

Empty banana boxes are lined with paper bags for Pickers to fill (x, x; Box Stacker_DSC4140c90.JPG)

Empty banana boxes are lined with paper bags for Pickers to fill (x, x; Box Stacker_DSC4140c90.JPG)

(Kurt K, x; Box Stackers_DSC4129c1.JPG)

(Kurt K, x; Box Stackers_DSC4129c1.JPG)

Boxes of non-perishables are stacked on pallets. One pantry could require up to 13 pallets. (Steve D, Box Stacker_IMG_5442c80.jpeg)

Boxes of non-perishables are stacked on pallets. One pantry could require up to 13 pallets. (Steve D, Box Stacker_IMG_5442c80.jpeg)

A full pallet is 42 boxes, each box weighs approximately 40 pounds. Once a pallet is full, it is moved from Fellowship Hall to the Gathering Place. (Kelsi D, Steve D; Box Stackers_DSC4142c80.JPG)

A full pallet is 42 boxes, each box weighs approximately 40 pounds. Once a pallet is full, it is moved from Fellowship Hall to the Gathering Place. (Kelsi D, Steve D; Box Stackers_DSC4142c80.JPG)

Baggers – Produce (Mon)

Place pre-set amounts of fruits and vegetables in bags. Standing, lifting required (varies light - medium - heavy).

(not id, x, x, x; Produce 215)

(not id, x, x, x; Produce 215)

(x, Lori H, x, Joshua?, Megan?; Produce_DSC4132c3.JPG)

(x, Lori H, x, Joshua?, Megan?; Produce_DSC4132c3.JPG)

(x, not id, not id; Produce_IMG_4870c75.JPG)

(x, not id, not id; Produce_IMG_4870c75.JPG)

Repackers (Mon, Tues)

(Emily; Apples_IMG_2973c80.JPG)

(Emily; Apples_IMG_2973c80.JPG)

Repackage bulk foods following Food Safety Guidelines; standing, repetitive motion and medium lifting required. Food safety training a plus but will train on-site.

Set-up, Inside (Tues)

Move boxes, put food into categories, sort products, etc.; heavy, moderate and light lifting and walking required

(Shirley H?, Setup_DSC4134c80.JPG)

(Shirley H?, Setup_DSC4134c80.JPG)

Fresh food is delivered on Tuesday mornings. (x, Setup_DSC4147c75.JPG)

Fresh food is delivered on Tuesday mornings. (x, Setup_DSC4147c75.JPG)

Baggers - Bread & Desserts (Tues)

Load boxes of bread & desserts onto tables, place pre-determined amounts of bread & dessert into yellow plastic bags, place bags on wire racks or into cards; light to medium lifting, walking and standing required.

(not id, x, x; Bread_DSC4151c75.JPG)

(not id, x, x; Bread_DSC4151c75.JPG)



Restocker for Dairy & Frozen Bagging (Tues)

Restock Dairy and Frozen bagging lines. Keep track of product on pallets and on tables; replace product when it runs low. Moderate to heavy lifting required along with walking, twisting & turning. Fast-paced job.

(left hand side: x, x, not id, not id; right hand side: x, x, x, x; Frozen_DSC4148c80.JPG)

(left hand side: x, x, not id, not id; right hand side: x, x, x, x; Frozen_DSC4148c80.JPG)