Week of May 2nd

“Wills Emphasis Sunday”

Sermon Noodles and Devotional Guide

  1. Read Acts 4:32-36. What strikes you about the culture and character of the early church?

  2. Stephen Jenkinson’s book “Die Wise: A manifesto for sanity and soul” is a brilliant book and worthy of your consideration. Dr. Dan’s recommendation to “die wise” includes:

 A.   Daily cultivate gratitude and generosity

Need a cure for the doldrums? Practice gratitude and generosity on a daily basis.

Do you know the difference between The Dead Sea and The Sea of Galilee? The Jordan River flows in and out of the Sea of Galilee whereas the Jordan river flows into the Dead Sea and nothing flows out of it. So it is with God’s blessings: do we allow God’s blessings to flow through us to other people?

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

                                                                                          Winston Churchill


B.   Make peace with the past and get your house in order

Are there events or people in your past you hold in unforgiveness, even if they have hurt you deeply? What would you have to give up in order to extend those events and/or people forgiveness?

Get your house in order: Do you have an up-to-date will and do your loved ones know where it is? Do you have or want a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)? What are your final wishes? Do people know if want to be cremated? What kind of celebration of life service do you want? What hymns? What scripture passages would you like read at the service?

  • From Pastor Dan: I have heard Pastor Scott had a weekend seminar and many people expressed their final wishes. Unfortunately, Sharon and I cannot find any of these in the church office. An elder even called Scott to see where we might find them, but they are not to be found.


C.   Leave a Legacy

One of the best things you could do for Westview is “annuitize” your annual pledge. This means leaving the church in your estate plans which can be invested to continue your annual pledge when you are gone. The Presbyterian Foundation pays out around 4% annually. Therefore, if your annual gift to the church is $4,000, a $100,000 gift to the Presbyterian Foundation with Westview as the beneficiary would grant the church your pledge every year.

Let’s start a “Legacy Society” for everyone who remembers Westview in their will!