Devotional Guide for week of June 26th, #3 The Achiever

In the enneagram model of personalities, the #3 is The Achiever. Achievers are high-energy, efficient, hard-working performers. They are the beautiful, successful people in the world who set goals and love challenges. Healthy Threes are charismatic, charming, and full of grace.

 1.      The challenge for Achievers however, is image. Threes are restless, and love to project an image of success. Threes can also fall in love with the image they project, and their Achilles heel is vanity. If you are a Three, read Luke’s Gospel from beginning to end and ask yourself, why does Jesus have a special affection for the poor?

 2.      In the Parable of the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16, the compensation each worker receives seems a bit unfair. Aren’t the ones who work harder and longer supposed to get paid more than those who don’t? What does this parable tell you about God’s grace?

 3.      What is Jesus’ fascination with the phrase, “The last will be first, and the first will be last”? In all seriousness, what does that mean to you? Write a paragraph in your journal of what that phrase tells you about the Kingdom of God.