Devotional Guide for Week of July 3, 2022, #4 The Artist

1.     Read Luke 17:7-10. What a strange parable! How does this parable hit you right in the gut? What is your reaction?

 2.     The #4 on the Enneagram is the Artist. Artists are amazing people, unique people. In fact, just like the nation of Israel,  they consider themselves unique and have a need to be unique. When the scriptures and people like Jesus and John the Baptist proclaim the need to repent, how does this person respond? According to the parable in Luke 17:7-10, Fours are just like everybody else. Why would someone absolutely hate to hear that? What happens to politicians who challenge American Exceptionalism?

 3.     Fours like many people, can have a challenge with the Attitude of Gratitude. Make a point to list the things you are grateful for. How does this intensify your “inner core of health and beauty”?