Devotional Guide for Week of July 31st, #7 The Adventurer

1.      The enneagram #7 is known as the “Explorer” or “Adventurer.” Sevens are the optimists, the light-hearted people with enormous energy and natural buoyancy. (Thompson). Sevens are wide-open to new ideas, new places, and like to avoid being fenced in or shut down. They can also be “eternal children” (aka Peter Pan) and never grow up.

2.      Read the Parables of the Lost and Found in Luke 15:3-7 and 8-10. Jesus tells these parables as stories of repentance, which the Seven will find repugnant because repentance means facing your shadow, the part of you that is true but unconscious, even to the point of denying it.

3.      Respond to this statement: “Spiritual growth comes from assimilating the negative.” Part of the genius of the enneagram is that it articulates the negative that each style needs to assimilate. (Thompson)