Devotional Guide for Pentecost Sunday

In the Judaic tradition Pentecost is “the festival of weeks” celebrated fifty days after spring harvest. During this celebration in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit descended like “tongues of fire” and for the church, Pentecost came to signify the gift of the Holy Spirit creating a new community of the Spirit we call “The Church.”

 1.      Read Romans 8:9-10. With whom does Paul identify the Spirit? The Spirit of _______?

 2.      This passage is one of the texts of scripture that lead us to believe God is a “trinity” of three, even though the word “trinity” isn’t in the Bible. Use this prompt to write in your journal: when would you say you first encountered the Spirit of Christ? (Journaling is an important act of remembering and assimilating experiences. I highly recommend it)

 3.      Look at Romans 8:9. What does it mean to be “controlled” by the Spirit of God? What steps could you take to more fully surrender to the Spirit of Christ?